Sunday, 4 October 2015

The End: Time to Hang Up Those Marathon Shoes

So 3 weeks ago after completing my first half marathon in preparation for Athens, the foot pain began..

Starting with the heel and then radiating up the achilles until the base of my foot stiffened.

The whole process took a week and by that time I was limping badly and in discomfort with every step.

This time the acupuncture, the electro shocks and the nonsense was out of the window. I knew I had to act fast to avoid my body over compromising and causing other issues (pelvic alignment etc..).

Last Friday I went back to the specialist who administered my second cortisone shot, 5 months almost to the day since the first.

I did't sleep most of the previous week as I anticipated the pain of the shot the first time round. Thankfully it was not as bad at all and I was pretty chilled.

Of course I knew that the worst was ahead of me as a week of transatlantic travel and walking between offices lay ahead of me.

Sure enough the pain the following day was bad and got worse over the next 2 days..then...mercifully things started to improve.

I rounded off the week with an intense sports massage to loosen things.

I have had to concede that my distance running days are behind me and for me to set my sights lower/shorter.

The specialist concurred and said that all is not doom and gloom and let's face it (as my daughter said), "this is not a terminal illness..get a life".

So it's time to thank everyone for following my exploits on the path to marathon glory.

2010 London, 4:14
2010 Loch Ness 3:37
2011 Brighton 3:33
2012 Edinburgh 3:35
2012 San Sebastian 3:27
2013 London 3:26
2013 Pisa 3:17
2014 Paris 3:11
2014 Loch Ness 3:16

The best of the best

  • The elation at Loch Ness, marathon No 2 when I knocked nearly 30 minutes off my first time.
  • San Sebastian after having 2 hours sleep I cracked 3:30
  • Pisa in breaking 3:20, the day after family tragedy struck
  • Paris - the 3:11 and Boston Qualifying achieved.
Time to focus on recovery and then maybe, just maybe a return to some shorter distances to tackle with gusto.

Au revoir.